Current Project Artist Statement

My practice consists of drawing, painting and sculpture, and I am influenced by arts/STEM (science/technology/engineering/medicine).

Psychologist Doug Sandle wrote that in my work the “exploration of space is dynamic in its articulation of the relationships among self, object and location”. In my practice I engage with Neuro-plasticity, the science that reveals how our behaviour changes depending on our environment. Having worked in places (e.g. Rampton Hospital) where controlling individuals is central to the institution, I developed an objective view on hierarchies. This is reiterated in Neuroscience and our evolved need for narrative.

Experimental Psychologist Bruce Hood argues “that the self – this entity at the centre of our personal universe – is actually just a story, a constructed narrative”. I attribute a Self narrative construct to my practice by inferring archetypal narrative concepts into the objects I make. I can then place objects within a space (e.g. Gallery) or a consciousness. Neuroscientist David Eagleman says “Consciousness was needed in order to manage an increasing number of complex and competing neural sub-populations. This explains our impulse for coherent narratives, and why we’re able to argue with ourselves, or talk ourselves into something”.

When I create an object it is a drawn, painted or a sculpted illusion of an existence using materials selected to enhance the narrative that becomes stimuli for a dialogical response.

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